Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wishing you a year of good madness!

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and
good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone
who thinks you're wonderful…and don't forget to make some art…
write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope…
somewhere in the next year…you surprise yourself."
~neil gaiman

I've posted this before but I wish it for you every new year!

I'm not much of one to make New Year resolutions…they never last
much longer than my memory these days …but this coming year I hope
to begin selling some of my art in my Etsy shop. I've been working on
some hand painted fabric brooches made from original drawings..
some by hand and some by thread. I'll be adding a link to my shop
here on my blog so look for that sometime soon. Here's one of the
brooches that will be heading to Etsy……

I plan to bring in the new year in a quiet…peaceful manner…
much like my life has been for much of this year. I don't
have a lot of bad things to say about 2013…I've been blessed…
I just hope 2014 treats me as kindly…


peggy said...

So nice to hear you will be on Etsy, your art is so beautiful. Happy New Year from Michigan!

Tracey Broome said...

Happy New Year and best wishes to you as well, good luck with Etsy! When I am not lazy, and put stuff in my shop, it usually sells

just jody said...

Thanks Peggy….Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year to you too Tracey….your barns with pictures have always been my favorite!