Monday, October 15, 2012

made of stardust......

rebel n : one who rebels
opposes or disobeys authority

she refused to live by the rules set forth by society
choosing instead to follow the words whispered to
her by the ancients.....words for which there is no
human translation...a primal language...felt rather
than heard....telling her...
you are made of stardust...
gathered from all your past lifetimes...


Judy Shreve said...

I love her -- and her wisdom!

Tracey Broome said...

Did you ever listen to David Bowie's album, Diamond Dogs? I listened to the song Rebel Rebel until my poor mom nearly went crazy. Here's to the rebel girls out there!

just jody said...

Thanks Judy...hope you count yourself among her kind! Yes Tracey...STILL listening to David Bowie....actually still own and PLAY albums... and proudly confess to being a rebel!

Tracey Broome said...

I still play albums too. My husband gave me a turn table that can hook up to my computer and I can transfer music to my ipod. So cool!