Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Craftsperson

 "A craftperson's job is half meditation...half creation. It takes creativity to design whatever you are working on...but it takes meditation to do it right. Making things with one's own hands cultivates a certain generosity and openness of the heart. It nourishes the state of mind in the craftsperson themselves...which is intimately connected with an entire way of life. The process of making something cultivates humility while connecting us with something fundamental about our humanity:  the interaction between the remarkable capacity of our own human hands and the ingenuity of our minds. Looking back on the things you've made is an enjoyable experience. It is almost as if the energy you put into making something remains stored in the object and feeds your spirit every time you look at or touch it."

I am called to work with wood. It's as simple as that....a love affair I cherish with my whole heart.

1 comment:

gamallsabina said...
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