Sunday, March 6, 2022

A Symbol of Peace

 Flames from the fire caused by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima still burn today. 

“In August of 1945, a woman who lost her son in the bombing went to the city while it was still burning and, believing that the spirit of her son was inside that flame, captured a bit of fire and brought it to her home a hundred miles away. She kept it burning for more than twenty years, and then passed it on to a Buddhist priest, who decided to make it a symbol of peace, and took the flame on a walking pilgrimage across Japan, burning in a lantern, and passed it on to others, lighting new lanterns for those who would take the flame. “ ~ Masanori Oe/The Abundance of Less

I won’t comment on what is happening in our world currently as my opinion is most probably not that of the general population. All I will say is…there is good….and there is evil at play here…and in the end…God wins. I am thankful to be present during this time in history and may God bless all those who have fought and are fighting for humanity.

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