Sunday, October 25, 2009


ya know.....every now and then ......the stars line up just right .......and wonderful things happen. i just reconnected with my best friend during our teen years. as it turns out..........we've both been trying to track each other down over the years with no luck until i happened across her cousin on facebook. SCORE!

after a quick catch up session..... i'm amazed at how alike we've turned out to be.......gardeners, coffee enthusiast, wine lovers, bread bakers, junkers............oh..... i've missed you...... my twin sister from different mothers!
she's in virginia and i'm in south carolina....... but...... if i don't miss my guess....some day we'll hook up for a face to face reunion.... good for a kzillion belly laughs about our past antics. great to hear from ya!

1 comment:

lifestyle designer said...

My have touched my heart with your words. :-) It's wonderful being reconnected after all these years! Love, judy