Sunday, May 8, 2011


being a mom was....and is...the most challenging job i've ever had.

there's never cut and dried choices when it comes to raising children.

i fall somewhere between the two nursery rhymes below....

and my children have grown to become loving mothers

of their own wee ones....

Happy Mother's Day all......

"there was an old woman who lived in a shoe...

she had so many children she didn't know what to do...

she gave them some broth without any bread...

then whipped them all soundly...

and put them to bed."
~mother goose nursery rhyme

"there was an old woman who lived in a shoe...

she was a kindhearted mom who knew exactly what to do.

she raised all her children with patience and love...

never once did she give them a spank..shake..or shove.

her children all learned to be gentle towards others...

and good parents too...when they became fathers and mothers.

from their days in the shoe they learned this about living:

kindness..not the gift that keeps giving.

~jordan riak


Linda Starr said...

I love those shots, I remember this nursery rhyme from when I was young, happy mother's day to you.

just jody said...

thanks Linda....Happy Mothers Day to you....and thanks for visiting.

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Love this! Hope you had a great day!

just jody said...

thanks...I did enjoy mothers day.. Sally...hope you did also! Thanks for visiting...