Monday, May 9, 2011

the crook that got away.......

need your funny bone tickled today?

someone called in a while ago to report that there was a burglar
alarm sounding in their neighborhood. i heard the
deputy take the call and start cruising the streets in
that neighborhood. “nothing on this street…i’ll try
the next….” this went on for about ten minutes before
she figured out where the “alarm” was coming from.
you guessed it…… alarm….cicadas!
i don’t care who you are…..THAT’S FUNNY!


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Yes, very funny!

peggy said...

Watch this Jody, more alarms are on their way....

just jody said...

They are seriously LOUD and seem to be everywhere Peggy! Very strange about the 13 yrs for the south vs 17 years for the north...thanks for the link...and thanks for visiting.