Friday, September 11, 2020

Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi: "Wabi implies a rustic simplicity...a quietness, freshness and irregularity...and sabi is about the beauty and grace that only become visible with age. Wabi sabi is a way of viewing the world that accepts the impermanence and imperfections of our surroundings and existence. Spending time with something not conventionally beautiful, but rundown instead, maybe even what you consider ugly, can be incredibly enlightening, aesthetically exciting and inspiring. Thinking about its life, its past and what it may become is an invaluable creative contemplation of time and life that will lead to a richer way of expressing yourself...and give you reason for seeing with new eyes. We are bombarded with images of beauty and perfection, but it is the images of real life and subtle imperfections that will always resonate with us more deeply." ~ philippa stanton/conscious creativity


 i LOVE this book!

it's just what i needed to kick my creativity

in the arse... and the author has synesthesia!!!

i'm so jealous...i want to be able to experience

the world like that!


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