Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sing Me to Healing...

lately i've felt like the ghost of something unknowable....
off kilter....
i can't make art...
can't read...
can't listen to music...
i spend as much time outdoors as possible...
physically laboring on my land until i am spent...
arms and legs quivering....
 caked in dirt...
salt powdering my body from exertion...
and when i can do no more...
i just sit with the fruits of my labor...

i keep waiting for that little bubble of my
inner level to tilt back to center...
it will happen...
Mother Earth is always willing to wrap
me in her loving arms...
kiss my hurts...
soothe my soul...
sing me to healing with her lullabies...
and i bow my head...
 in gratitude...

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