Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On Disappointments And Being Broke

so... i got the chore coat that i bought on ebay and
it REEKED of old funky mildew. i sure didn't expect
that! i contacted the seller and he offered to pay for 
dry cleaning. i thanked him but declined...i'm not a 
fan of wearing clothing soaked in he
did give me a partial refund..which was nice. i'm
chomping at the bit to begin my boro repairs but
i'm still washing and sunning the coat....sigh.

in the mean time:

i'm going to be playing with acrylic heat sealed collage!
i stumbled across some how to's in youtube land and
decided to give it a try. as usual...with a whole studio
of supplies i didn't have the products needed for this
process so i had to order the mediums. there's a
reason Golden begins with GOLD!!! thank goodness
i had a little birthday money.

and the playing begins...


Tracey Broome said...

I've done this, its so fun! Good luck!!!
ick, mildew, nothing worse...

just jody said...

Thanks Tracey!