Thursday, February 25, 2010
a step towards peace......

places harmony in one's life."
~ peace pilgrim
wishing you peace and well-being on this cold winter's day......
peace pilgrim,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
chasing shadows
~ rumi
no sun today to create..... or chase around.... shadows
spent my day in a bone chilling rain
i'm blessed to be able to come home
to a warm house
and a good cup
of joe......
limelight hydrangea,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
the phoenix has risen!
what an absolutely BEAUTIFUL morning! i'm sitting on my porch with a great cup of joe....listening to a kzillion happy birds....and watching the sun rise. this day zeros out being sick for the last week......and even though my house looks like resurrection city......guess who's spending this awesome day OUTSIDE................
Sunday, February 14, 2010

"the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.....
they must be felt with the heart."
~ helen keller
wishing you a happy valentine's day........
antique fence,
helen keller
Saturday, February 13, 2010
those with average eyes
would see as
fixed and still."
~ jalal al-din rumi
being among nature's gifts
makes my soul dance.......
clematis henri,
Friday, February 12, 2010
calming the volcano......
how shall you expect
flowers to bloom?"
~kahlil gibran
i find that photography calms the volcano
in my heart....
kahlil gibran,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
consumed by silence.....
i have spent this last week consumed by silence. i sometimes wear silence like a shield.....i've found that most people recognize it as such and will honor the unspoken request to be left alone. these are the times that i fight the voice whispering in my ear to flee....where to...i haven't got a clue.....just that i need to go...away.....alone....searching.... for what...again....not a clue....just....something... always the seeker...filled with a wanderlust so strong that my body aches....the gypsy blood pulsing through my veins like a madness....seducing me to forsake family and friends to seek some higher life...
i become introspective during these times....devouring books by the dozens...looking for answers to my unknown questions....i anesthetize myself with alcohol.....overindulge in foods....self destruct....self destruct....self destruct....until i wake up shaking....bleary eyed....weak.....to a new day....and the sun is shining......and i'm still here.....where i'm expected to be. i'll rise....put on my mask....once more....quell my gypsy soul...and return to the drudgery of being my unauthenic self......
each time i resist the call.... i fade a little more.....dimmer...and.... dimmer...extinquishing the fire of my soul....bit by bit...knowing in my heart that if i don't feed that fire...then...one day... all that will be left will be charred...blackened pieces of who i was supposed to be....
and to that woman i want to say.......forgive me.
i become introspective during these times....devouring books by the dozens...looking for answers to my unknown questions....i anesthetize myself with alcohol.....overindulge in foods....self destruct....self destruct....self destruct....until i wake up shaking....bleary eyed....weak.....to a new day....and the sun is shining......and i'm still here.....where i'm expected to be. i'll rise....put on my mask....once more....quell my gypsy soul...and return to the drudgery of being my unauthenic self......
each time i resist the call.... i fade a little more.....dimmer...and.... dimmer...extinquishing the fire of my soul....bit by bit...knowing in my heart that if i don't feed that fire...then...one day... all that will be left will be charred...blackened pieces of who i was supposed to be....
and to that woman i want to say.......forgive me.
Friday, February 5, 2010
my sacred space......
wakan tanka... great mystery
teach me how to trust
my heart
my mind
my intuition
my inner knowing
the senses of my body
the blessings of my spirit.
teach me to trust these things
so that i may enter my sacred space
and love beyond my fear
and thus walk in balance
with the passing of each glorious sun.
according to the native people... the sacred space is the space
between exhalation and inhalation.
to walk in balance is to have heaven (spirituality)
and earth (physicality) in harmony.
praying for harmony
seeking peace
lakota prayer,
sacred space,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
the crazy ones......
here’s to the crazy ones...
the misfits... the rebels... the troublemakers.
the round pegs in the square holes.
the ones who see things differently.
they’re not fond of rules...
and they have no respect for the status quo.
you can praise them...disagree with them...quote them...
you can praise them...disagree with them...quote them...
disbelieve them...glorify or vilify them.
about the only thing you can’t do is ignore them...
because they change things.
they invent...they imagine...they heal...
they explore...they create...they inspire.
they push the human race forward.
maybe they have to be crazy...
how else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
how else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
while some may see them as the crazy ones...
we see genius.
because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world...
are the ones who do.
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apple computer ad,
heres to the crazy ones
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