Friday, May 29, 2009

photohunt #164 - book(s)

the photohunt theme for this week is book(s). i'm a reader......books are a BIG part of my life. i'd KNOW.....i'd be a lot richer.... moneywise..... if i had all the money i've spent on books and magazines..........but they've made me so much richer in ways that money never could. my home is full of books i could have posted for this theme but when i was at the clerk of court's office the colors of these books caught my eye. check out the other book theme posts at tnchick's blog.


RJ Flamingo said...

I know! The geometry and color make this almost irresistible! Neat shot!

My ”Books” entry is really cooking this week. Hope you can stop by!

Pretty Life Online said...

perfect catch for this week’s theme, and my photo is up hope you can drop by. Happy weekend!

Upcountrysmiles said...

Aloha jody,
Had to return this week to check out what you came up with for this week's book theme--wow-very neat shot indeed.
Happy photo hunting to you.
Cindy O
Come by & visit:)

Lynn said...

Nice. They are like part of the wall's design looking at it from afar.

Mariposa said...

Nice shot! I love the color.
happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Books with a purpose - very regular.

A. said...

Great shot, but how right you are, books enrich lives!

Ulrica said...

So many books... perfect for this theme.

Deborah said...

Jody, if you are a fellow "foodie" you need to check out We have an awesome foodie group.

Tara R. said...

Creative take on this week's theme. I like the perspective on this shot too. I've enjoyed this hunt and seeing everyone's different ideas.

ancient one said...

Love the colors of those books... Great Photo for the theme... thanks for coming by to see mine...

kayerj said...

that is an interesting shot, and I do agree. . . books make us so much richer than horded gold. Thanks for stopping by.

PowersTwinB said...

very neat and orderly! Cool colors of the jackets! My hunt is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

Seriously organised! The exact opposite of my pic.

Bim said...

A beautiful shot - I imagine I'd yawn within seconds of opening one :)

Anonymous said...

those books look neat! :)

Thanks for dropping by mine.

Annie said...

Love your photo - great colors and perspective. Nice blog you have here....I love that Junker's Cabin and want to read that book about urban farming now.

Thanks for visiting mine!

lissa said...

I can't tell what they are exactly but I like their organization and colors

jams o donnell said...

Nicely composed! They make for a striking photo.

NitWit1 said...

Nothing like color coordination in the clerk's office. There is a certain rhythm in color too.

My post: