Friday, January 30, 2015

Less Than…….

journaling has a way of excavating long held hurts.
working on this brought forth a muffled crack that led 
to the oozing up of entombed feelings…past and present.
i don't remember a time in my sixty one years of
living that i haven't been treated as less than my
male counterparts. our patriarchal society... for the most 
part... treats the hopes and dreams of the female spirit as
something frivolous…..less than….
WE are not...

Friday, January 23, 2015

Who Needs a Good Laugh?

This is why I can't work in my studio with music playing…..

I got the music in me!
I got the music in me!
I got the MUSIC in ME!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Gift from the Feathered Ones….

i'm taking an online art journaling class like nothing i've 
ever seen before. it's a visceral self exploration…opening
old wounds and allowing them to weep out the poisons
so they can heal properly…leaving only battle scars to
display proudly…..simple badges of courage. 

the last few nights my dreams have been filled with bees
and snakes while in the old pine tree behind my home
turkey vultures have been silently watching….sentinels…
 their messages ring in my ears…Bee whispering that
hard work will attain goals… Snake telling me
it's time to shed my old self and use my Sacred Feminine
Energy to regenerate…and Turkey Vulture reminding me
that with every death there is a rebirth…
i like the feel of that word on my tongue...

so this morning when i went to my bedroom window to greet
 the day i saw my gift…this magnificent feather…lying in the 
grass below my window…from turkey vulture.

it's time...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Forward -------->

if i had to set one goal for myself this year it would be to
keep moving forward. i'm giving myself permission
to fall…fail…step back…retreat…whatever…as long
as i dust myself off and get back on the right path…