Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Rising....by Lhasa de Sela
this video decribes my life lately....
but like my feathered muse....
i'm beginning to rise....
lhasa de sela,
Friday, May 20, 2011
there is a dream in my heart....
have you ever hoarded your dreams...
fearful that if you shared them
someone might steal them...
even worse..we sometimes fear
we're not worthy of our own dreams.
so we quitclaim them to others...saying...
here...take my magic...
i won't be needing it...
and i'll even throw in the wand.
we fill our days writing to do lists...
and thinking up goals.
but dreams don't like to be analyzed...
they're not comfortable on the couch.
they prefer to take up residence in the heart...
where they can use ancient keys...
to unlock doors...
spilling liquid light of recognition...
into our sighs of relief...
when we realize...
we're home.
~marilyn maciel
i'm working on it.........
marilyn maciel
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
our lost sentinels.....
mother nature has had a serious attitude lately...
the storm night before last was the worst this area has seen
since hurricane hugo made his march across our little hamlet!
as far as i know...there were no personal injuries
but....oh....so many...beautiful...old... trees...
hurrican hugo,
kaspar hamacher,
mother nature,
victorian homes
Monday, May 9, 2011
the crook that got away.......
need your funny bone tickled today?
someone called in a while ago to report that there was a burglar
alarm sounding in their neighborhood. i heard the
deputy take the call and start cruising the streets in
that neighborhood. “nothing on this street…i’ll try
the next….” this went on for about ten minutes before
she figured out where the “alarm” was coming from.
you guessed it……..no alarm….cicadas!
i don’t care who you are…..THAT’S FUNNY!
someone called in a while ago to report that there was a burglar
alarm sounding in their neighborhood. i heard the
deputy take the call and start cruising the streets in
that neighborhood. “nothing on this street…i’ll try
the next….” this went on for about ten minutes before
she figured out where the “alarm” was coming from.
you guessed it……..no alarm….cicadas!
i don’t care who you are…..THAT’S FUNNY!

Sunday, May 8, 2011
there's never cut and dried choices when it comes to raising children.
i fall somewhere between the two nursery rhymes below....
and my children have grown to become loving mothers
of their own wee ones....
Happy Mother's Day all......
she had so many children she didn't know what to do...
she gave them some broth without any bread...
then whipped them all soundly...
and put them to bed."
~mother goose nursery rhyme
~mother goose nursery rhyme
she was a kindhearted mom who knew exactly what to do.
she raised all her children with patience and love...
never once did she give them a spank..shake..or shove.
her children all learned to be gentle towards others...
and good parents too...when they became fathers and mothers.
from their days in the shoe they learned this about living:
kindness..not force..is the gift that keeps giving.
~jordan riak
jordan riak,
mother goose,
nursery rhymes,
old woman in shoe
Saturday, May 7, 2011
....i live without envy
half a dozen pictures...
and some books...
i live without
~lope de vega
Friday, May 6, 2011
the pull of another world...
which nothing in this world can satisfy...
the only logical explanation is
that i was made
for another world...."
~c.s. lewis
feeling the pull of another world
pulsing through
my gypsy
c.s. lewis,
digital art,
Thursday, May 5, 2011
a gladdening of the eye...
any undesired...
uncultivated plant...
undesired by whom?
my goats would eat any that dared
grace their pasture...
I don't want them in my yard...
but they gladden my eyes...
painting the ditches...
as I traverse the rural backroads
of this sleepy...
southern native plants,
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
on moths and summer nights
oh my..........
look at this moth...
made by MisterFinch...
from a vintage tablecloth....
close your eyes...
can you hear it's soft thumping...
against the porch light...
on a hot....sultry...
artist on etsy!
vintage tablecloth
Sunday, May 1, 2011
more ideas than money.....sigh.....
My veggie "chillrens" are looking pretty good.
The bush beans are coming along...
Those are carrots coming up down both sides.....

Nothing like a fresh salad....wish the tomatoes were ready!

I've never grown artichokes before...or eaten them
for that matter...I really planted these to decorate with....
Nothing like a fresh salad....wish the tomatoes were ready!
I've never grown artichokes before...or eaten them
for that matter...I really planted these to decorate with....
ready around Mother's Day.....
it up" some...I have soooo many ideas and sooooooo
little money......
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